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Using your company values to create a purpose-built culture

March 5, 2021
iCIMS Staff
2 min read
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The last year has been personally and professionally life-altering for most people. We’ve experienced shifts in how we think about connecting with others, how we communicate, and how we work. Many businesses are still adjusting priorities and practices to thrive in the virtual and hybrid workplace. An essential part of this business evolution includes redefining our values and corporate culture to match our new realities.

As we move forward, businesses must create a more effective North Star – with values and culture that reflect who they are now and where they hope to be in the future.

Strong values encourage teams to rise to the occasion and enable resiliency. It’s important that employees see how living their values is a means to an end – empowering them to excel in their role through foreseen and unforeseen circumstances. Values also put each employee on a level playing field, allowing everyone to achieve their goals from an equal place. Inclusivity and diversity are achieved through a balanced environment where everyone’s contributions are valued, and each individual has a meaningful seat at the table.

In the spirit of driving a strong and inclusive culture, the iCIMS team refreshed our company values to keep pace with the world around us and serve as a blueprint to how we succeed and thrive. More than just crafting a mantra, our new values better reflect our dedication and commitments to our business and customers while connecting us as “one iCIMS” around the globe.

Our new values—accountability, customer obsession, inclusion, innovation, purpose, and velocity—outline the best of who we are and the vision of where we want to be. We also continue to approach all things empathetically, as we virtually welcome our colleagues and customers into our homes daily.

We spent the first week of our launch by recognizing each other for living these values, even before we put pen to paper and made them official. Values Week not only exemplified what we already knew to be true about our team but helped recognize the achievements we’re all making every day and validated our values’ impact.

As you reflect on the next phase of growth in your organization, keep these tips in mind for how to create a culture and values that are in the now:

  1. Reflect on how your values and culture fit into a new world of work
  2. Approach value adoption with a positive work-life balance in mind
  3. Embrace values that put culture, belonging, inclusion, and respect for diversity at the forefront

Learn more about how to foster a culture of belonging and inclusion at your business. Watch the recording of our recent webinar from the iCIMS Inclusion@Work Series.



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