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Nucleus Research report

Customers reveal business impact of iCIMS

A global technology research firm identified the factors that drove iCIMS users to choose our platform over competitors. Here’s what they found.


The iCIMS end-to-end recruitment platform helps drive significant outcomes

Customer results reported include:

70% IT time savings thanks to configurable workflows

One customer estimated it would need to double its team size if it used its HCM’s recruitment module

4,000 employees hired by re-engaging incomplete applicants

Why talent acquisition leaders choose iCIMS:

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Frequent investment in cutting edge capabilities

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Reduced vendor costs and a lower total cost of ownership

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Highly configurable platform leads to quick time to value

Why talent acquisition leaders choose iCIMS:

Frequent investment in cutting edge capabilities

Reduced vendor costs and a lower total cost of ownership

Highly configurable platform leads to quick time to value

As technology budgets tighten, the ability of software to deliver upfront and ongoing value is crucial. iCIMS has established itself as a frontrunner in the talent acquisition space through continued focus on the functionality and usability of the iCIMS Talent Cloud platform, as well as its commitment to customers’ success.

Evelyn McMullen, Research Manager, Nucleus Research

Read the report to find out how iCIMS excels over the competition in core functionality, innovation, lower total cost of ownership, time-to-value and ongoing value.

Get the full report

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