Text recruiting software

iCIMS Text Engagement

Modernizza, semplifica e accelera la comunicazione con i tuoi talenti. iCIMS Text Engagement permette a chi cerca lavoro e ai dipendenti di interagire con il tuo marchio sempre e ovunque.

Connect with global talent quickly on any device

Reach job seekers and employees wherever they are - on the factory floor, the overnight shift at the hospital or in their home office.

Get your candidates' attention

Confidently connect your hiring teams to talent through chat-based virtual career fairs to reach talent in a cost-effective way, regardless of location. Meet multiple candidates at once, capture candidates to speed time to hire and continue engagement with best-fit candidates from existing talent pools.

Expand your reach with virtual hiring events

Confidently connect your hiring teams to talent through chat-based virtual career fairs to reach talent in a cost-effective way, regardless of location. Meet multiple candidates at once, capture candidates to speed time to hire and continue engagement with best-fit candidates from existing talent pools.

Scale up with automated communication

Take some of the burden off your team by sending timely, automated text campaigns to candidates and employees. Enhance your recruiting further by integrating iCIMS Digital Assistant to answer job seeker FAQs, prescreen candidates, schedule interviews and more. Your HR team can also communicate with employees on important items like open enrollment, training and emergency preparedness.

Coinvolgere i candidati e la forza lavoro con il testo

Con iCIMS Text Engagement è possibile:

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Connettiti con i talenti sempre e ovunque su più canali

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Semplifica la candidatura tramite SMS per le persone in cerca di lavoro

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Unifica i dati con integrations al tuo Talent Cloud

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Invia messaggi ai candidati sui computer di lavoro con un’estensione web

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Aumenta la comunicazione utilizzando un Assistente digitale

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Supporta conformità con PCI-DSS, GDPR e CCPA

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Crea e ospita eventi virtuali e fiere del lavoro

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Invia campagne tempestive e automatizzate a candidati e dipendenti

7 Eleven logo
Seasonal job candidate communicating with recruiter on cell phone

Abbiamo notato un aumento del nostro tasso di risposta dei candidati. Ora in genere rispondono entro un'ora, se non prima. Text Engagement di iCIMS è l'epitome del lavoro intelligente, non duro.

Responsabile acquisizione talenti


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