See all the ways our career site software can help you promote your brand effectively and efficiently to attract the right talent to your business.

Career site dinamici

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Career site dinamici

Semplifica il tuo processo di reclutamento:

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Customizing your career sites with a professional, modern look and feel

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Incorporating employee-generated videos on your career site and in job descriptions to bring your culture to life

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Supporting diversity recruitment initiatives for veterans and active military members

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Engaging candidates with relevant content based on their job interests

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Alerting candidates of new openings that suit their skills and experience

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Providing candidates with an intuitive, mobile-friendly browsing experience

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Allowing candidates to ask questions via a conversational AI chatbot

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Make it easy for candidates to join your talent community with resume parsing

Recluta rapidamente

Semplifica il tuo processo di reclutamento:

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Migliora l’esperienza del candidato con un design più moderno, più professionale e più facile da usare

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Attira i migliori talenti con siti di carriera accattivanti che riflettono il marchio del tuo datore di lavoro e ispirano i candidati

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Evidenzia le azioni intraprese per promuovere la diversità e l’inclusione nella tua organizzazione

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Mantieni l’interesse dei tuoi candidati offrendo contenuti di qualità e pertinenti in base alle offerte

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Avvisare i candidati di nuove opportunità che corrispondono alle loro capacità ed esperienze

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Attira i talenti giusti comunicando la tua azienda, la tua mission e i tuoi valori

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Proponi offerte di lavoro pertinenti ai tuoi candidati

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Consenti ai candidati di accedere più facilmente al tuo pool di talenti con l’analisi del curriculum.

Image of job candidate shaking recruiter's hand and accepting job offer

With iCIMS, they put the candidate first, but they also think about the hiring manager and the recruiters. You want to make sure that everyone that engages with your brand has a great experience that’s intuitive, that’s fun, and that really makes it easy for them to raise their hand and say, "I would really love to join your organization."

Learn how iCIMS can help you drive ROI

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