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iCIMS UK Class
of 2023  Report

An annual survey report to help HR professionals in the UK engage Gen Z talent and build their 21st-century workforce.

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What employers need to know about how UK grads are approaching today’s job market

The perception may be that the only thing this class wants is a £30k salary in their first year. But what Gen Z really wants is for the drama to stop. This post-pandemic class says stability, security and growth are their top priorities, and they want employers to invest in them.

Post it to prove it

46% of final year uni students wouldn’t apply for a job if the salary range wasn’t posted.

This year’s grads are concerned

97% of the Class of 2023 consider alternative job-seeking options due to uncertainty about landing a job in the current market. These include applying to more job types, taking a job unrelated to their degree or applying to a postgrad.

Bots are in

35% of final-year uni students have used an AI bot to write their CV or cover letter or are planning to.

They’re looking for professional growth

A third of grads would like to get at least 1 year of experience with an employer before exploring other opportunities.

35% of the Class of 2023 say opportunity for growth is of the top 3 most important factors they consider when applying for a role, along with salary and the type of work.

Download the full report here

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